
Do you feel it?

So this is going to be my second week staying in an isolated mountain area, away from Society. Something is going on and I don't really know how or what to explain it. The internal reflections we've read in books and movies over the past 50 years aren't mirroring what we're seeing today. Here's something interesting. I have no cell service in the mountains. The vibe is absolutely differnt. I don't know how else to put this to you guys. I've lived in California my entire life. When it comes down to it, everything is basically a “Vibe.” And no I'm not echoing that stupid, neo-hipster-yuppie slang term people are using this days. “LiKe OmG It'S a ViBe” – No. I'm saying something is different every time I drive down the mountain into society. Southern California, society. I won't say which mountain I'm staying at, or which city I'm driving…

So this is going to be my second week staying in an isolated mountain area, away from Society. Something is going on and I don't really know how or what to explain it. The internal reflections we've read in books and movies over the past 50 years aren't mirroring what we're seeing today. Here's something interesting. I have no cell service in the mountains. The vibe is absolutely differnt. I don't know how else to put this to you guys. I've lived in California my entire life. When it comes down to it, everything is basically a “Vibe.”

And no I'm not echoing that stupid, neo-hipster-yuppie slang term people are using this days. “LiKe OmG It'S a ViBe” – No. I'm saying something is different every time I drive down the mountain into society. Southern California, society. I won't say which mountain I'm staying at, or which city I'm driving into. But it's feeling like a twilight zone. Something isn't right. Peole are not happy. People are avoiding Eye-contact. No one is looking at each other anymore. Everyone is feeling hopeless. Stressed. Tight. Low on money. Turning to things, like, excessive phone usage, alcohol, drugs, TV shows, distractions. And if you're in the midst of the city; its almost impossible to escape.

Does this have anything to do with the 5G layer that's being caked over our entire population? I don't know. All I know is it just feels “Crowded” – It fees stifled. Rough. Theres no connection. And worst of all..


Do you feel it?

Back to the mountain. Here's the difference.

In the mountains, when I speak to people in and around town, there is a vacancy. A deepness. A sense of peace behind every living being I have come into contact here. Maybe it is the mountain fresh air, or the lack of cell service, or the small population. But one thing is for certain. The people here are “Present.” – And by present I mean, you can actually ask them a question and it won't feel awkward. They will look you in the eye, and start talking to you about something. Anything.

If you have a need, they will start trying to help you beyond what you really needed. And it isnt just one person. It's EVERYONE. Now tell me. How can the people here be so deep. Present. Aware. Awakened. And give a damn about a stranger like me? There isn't 10 kids walking down the street with their phones shoved up their ass. (Or head in their ass?) – It's presence. Something missing from society. I don't know what this has to do in relation to antiwork. But it seems our time on this planet is being wasted in struggling, and fighting for an inch. Is it overpopulation? I don't know.

I know some of you are caught up in the struggle. And at times I have been to. I know what it feels like to work a job for 6 months while not making shit. All of my money going to just food and gas. Watching the rising cost of living as our efforts seem to be running a hamster wheel.

Oh I can say to anyone here is… get away from the noise. Even if you're broke, sleep in your car. If you have no car, sleep in your tent. Get the fuck away from the noise.

The system is broken. It might collapse. There is an abundunce of energy on this earth far out in the deserts, the mountains, the plains… just get.. the fuck.. out..

The struggle will always be there. Its not going anywhere. There will always be a small section on this Earth that we humans are going to fuck up. And you can jump back into that race if you want. Fucking up the earth. Being consumerists.

Just get away.. you might find yourself.

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