
Do you feel that everyone around you is a follower of the cult of work?

Ever feel like everyone around you's been sucked into some sort of work cult? Like, seriously, what's the deal with chaining ourselves to desks and machines for the better part of our lives? We're all just burning through our time on Earth, trading it for a paycheck in factories, offices, or whatever other soul-sucking places. And for what? To survive? To buy stuff? It's like we're stuck in this endless cycle of work, sleep, repeat. Where's the time to actually live, to enjoy the little things that make life worth living? I've been thinking about this a lot lately. It's like we're in survival mode, just working to make ends meet. But amidst all this hustle, when do we get to actually experience life? We're indoctrinated with this idea that we've always got to strive for more, be better, push to the limit. It's a fast track to burning out…

Ever feel like everyone around you's been sucked into some sort of work cult? Like, seriously, what's the deal with chaining ourselves to desks and machines for the better part of our lives?

We're all just burning through our time on Earth, trading it for a paycheck in factories, offices, or whatever other soul-sucking places. And for what? To survive? To buy stuff? It's like we're stuck in this endless cycle of work, sleep, repeat. Where's the time to actually live, to enjoy the little things that make life worth living?

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. It's like we're in survival mode, just working to make ends meet. But amidst all this hustle, when do we get to actually experience life? We're indoctrinated with this idea that we've always got to strive for more, be better, push to the limit. It's a fast track to burning out your mind

I've slogged through jobs where respect was as scarce as a vacation day. It's like everyone's in this relentless grind, sacrificing their sanity for a paycheck. And for what? Just to survive? I remember days when it felt like my soul was being crushed under the weight of endless toil and meaningless tasks. It's a cycle that can drag you down into the depths of depression, and I've been there.

I see it everywhere – in my family, among my friends, acquaintances… Everyone's always rushing somewhere, trying to outdo each other in this rat race. A buddy of mine, he's become such a shell of a person, always says, “Today you live, tomorrow you rot.” Grim, right? But that's his reality. He's working himself to the bone just to live.

It's like we're all part of this culture of constant striving, but what are we actually striving for? We're so obsessed with achieving and accumulating that we forget to pause and just be.

So, what's the point of it all? Why are we so hell-bent on working ourselves to the brink for things that, in the grand scheme, might not even matter?

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