
Do you get used to working?

I left school aged 18 in 2017 with pretty good GCSEs and A-Levels (not sure what the American equivalent is, sorry ). I dropped out of 2 college courses and have spent the last couple of years living at home pretending to have a work-from-home job (long story). I've got what is known as a work capability assessment coming up soon, but if they decide that my mental health isn't sufficiently bad enough to deem me exempt, I may have to look for work soon. I hope to be able to get a part-time job in some sort of admin role/office work (just stick me in front of a computer and tell me what to do and I'll do it, I'm neither good at talking to people nor do I want to), 10-4 with a lunch break 3-4 days a week seems (at the moment at least) doable to me,…

I left school aged 18 in 2017 with pretty good GCSEs and A-Levels (not sure what the American equivalent is, sorry ). I dropped out of 2 college courses and have spent the last couple of years living at home pretending to have a work-from-home job (long story). I've got what is known as a work capability assessment coming up soon, but if they decide that my mental health isn't sufficiently bad enough to deem me exempt, I may have to look for work soon. I hope to be able to get a part-time job in some sort of admin role/office work (just stick me in front of a computer and tell me what to do and I'll do it, I'm neither good at talking to people nor do I want to), 10-4 with a lunch break 3-4 days a week seems (at the moment at least) doable to me, but I'm worried that, unless the pretty much perfect job comes at the exact right time, I might have to take a less than ideal 40 hour a week job, and I am fucking terrified at the very thought of that.

Sorry for the rant, but basically what I'm asking is, if anyone else has had a similar(ish) experience of not having worked for a time, is it as much of a shock as I anticipate it as being, and do you get used to it eventually?

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