
Do you have an exit strategy?

Curious to know if anyone has a plan to reduce work or stop altogether. FIRE? Lots of reasons posted here for why you would, but I'm wondering how people might? My plan: got lucky with some land years ago, off grid tiny house, apartment in the city, split time between the two, in a career with good casual options that pay well for good value for time, foster a frugal and minimalist lifestyle, build my skills to be more self reliant, invest in my health to feel good doing things I like. Planning to cruise in my mid 40s working a day or two a week, maybe some short term contracts of interest.

Curious to know if anyone has a plan to reduce work or stop altogether. FIRE? Lots of reasons posted here for why you would, but I'm wondering how people might?

My plan: got lucky with some land years ago, off grid tiny house, apartment in the city, split time between the two, in a career with good casual options that pay well for good value for time, foster a frugal and minimalist lifestyle, build my skills to be more self reliant, invest in my health to feel good doing things I like. Planning to cruise in my mid 40s working a day or two a week, maybe some short term contracts of interest.

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