
Docking Pay for Incorrect Timecard

Okay so I have a bit of an issue, wanted to come here for some more advice and info. My husband has just recently starting working for a local grocery store chain. For context, we live in Louisiana. They pay barely above minimum wage, give little to no hours to their employees, and apparently are docking pay for incorrect timesheets. My husband told me today that he accidentally grabbed a coworker’s timecard by mistake and clocked in the other day. It took him a couple hours to realize it, after which he alerted his manager and profusely apologized to the coworker. His coworker said it was okay, that they had been able to fix his hours. However, my husband was told that he would not receive any pay for the hours that were missed on his correct timecard. My husband was also told by his same coworker that they had…

Okay so I have a bit of an issue, wanted to come here for some more advice and info. My husband has just recently starting working for a local grocery store chain. For context, we live in Louisiana. They pay barely above minimum wage, give little to no hours to their employees, and apparently are docking pay for incorrect timesheets.

My husband told me today that he accidentally grabbed a coworker’s timecard by mistake and clocked in the other day. It took him a couple hours to realize it, after which he alerted his manager and profusely apologized to the coworker. His coworker said it was okay, that they had been able to fix his hours. However, my husband was told that he would not receive any pay for the hours that were missed on his correct timecard. My husband was also told by his same coworker that they had once docked a whole day of pay from the coworker for a similar issue.

My question is, is this legal? From what I’ve found regarding FLSA, this seems completely illegal and docking pay as a form of punishment is strictly forbidden. According to my husband, they also mentioned that this was their policy when he first started. I’ve spoken with my husband and told him to get everything in writing for any conversations, but wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing some loophole that makes this legal in this situation or our state.

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