
Doed anyone else not desire climbing the corporate ladder for fear of losing your personality?

I work at a Fortune 500 firm and my job is okay, but part of me wants to remain an individual contributor forever. I have many reasons for wanting to remain an individual contributor, but a big one is this idea that I have in my head where you lose any kind of interesting personality traits the higher and higher, you advance up. Presumably, senior executives must have lives outside of work that includes their families, hobbies, etc. like anyone else. But whenever I see a senior executive expresss themselves in any kind of way or when they talk about things they do outside of work, they come across as incredibly dull, dry, boring people. Maybe part of it is the fakeness of the professional veil most people wear in the workplace, but it's irritating to me. They also seem to have the most conventional and boring lives: Family, white…

I work at a Fortune 500 firm and my job is okay, but part of me wants to remain an individual contributor forever.

I have many reasons for wanting to remain an individual contributor, but a big one is this idea that I have in my head where you lose any kind of interesting personality traits the higher and higher, you advance up.

Presumably, senior executives must have lives outside of work that includes their families, hobbies, etc. like anyone else. But whenever I see a senior executive expresss themselves in any kind of way or when they talk about things they do outside of work, they come across as incredibly dull, dry, boring people.

Maybe part of it is the fakeness of the professional veil most people wear in the workplace, but it's irritating to me.

They also seem to have the most conventional and boring lives: Family, white picket fence home in a suburb, likes visiting restaurants on the weekend. Absolutely no interesting hobbies or creativity.

Has anyone else felt the exact same way about the senior executives at their workplaces?

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