
Does anyone else think about how much of our lives we’re missing out on because of work?

I'm in my mid 20's. I'm lucky enough to work from home every day, but I still work 8-5 Monday to Friday. Recently, I started thinking about how work takes away the best hours of our lives. As someone in the prime years of their life, I keep thinking about everything that I could be doing if I didn't have to work. I would live the way life was meant to be lived. I would travel around the world and experience different cultures. I would probably move to the Pacific Northwest area of the US and enjoy a peaceful life surrounded by nature. I would spend more time with the people I care about while also being able to spend more time on myself and my hobbies/interests. I imagine myself being able to go anywhere and do anything at any time without needing anyone's permission or approval. That would be…

I'm in my mid 20's. I'm lucky enough to work from home every day, but I still work 8-5 Monday to Friday.

Recently, I started thinking about how work takes away the best hours of our lives. As someone in the prime years of their life, I keep thinking about everything that I could be doing if I didn't have to work.

I would live the way life was meant to be lived. I would travel around the world and experience different cultures.
I would probably move to the Pacific Northwest area of the US and enjoy a peaceful life surrounded by nature.
I would spend more time with the people I care about while also being able to spend more time on myself and my hobbies/interests.

I imagine myself being able to go anywhere and do anything at any time without needing anyone's permission or approval.

That would be amazing. That would be real freedom. That would be a life well-lived.

Instead, we spend most/all of our daylight hours stuck at work and going to/from work. Then, we have chores, taking care of family, etc. By the time we allow ourselves to start relaxing, it's almost time to go to bed because we have to wake up for work the next morning.

Every day that we have to work, we miss an opportunity to truly live our lives. To do something special and meaningful. To do things that make ourselves and the people around us happy.

All of us should be constantly furious about the insane amount of loss and suffering our society forces us to accept. We have lost so much of our time and potential because of work.

What do you guys think about this?

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