
Does anyone else worry about blood clots re: not being able to leave their desk?

I have a terrible call centre job. I know, I know. It sucks, but it's work I can do from home during difficult personal circumstances. Anyway, everything we do is timed to the second and we can only take three short breaks per day. We have to announce when we need the toilet (it's like being back at school). Just really degrading and undignified. Like yeah, it's my third toilet break this morning because the manager being a massive bitch gave me anxiety diarrhoea. I've been stuck at my desk for hours this morning and I started wondering… this is how DVT forms, right? Long periods of inactivity. I'm a hypochondriac so every leg twinge at the moment is making me nervous. If someone developed DVT, or even worse, a pulmonary embolism, could they sue their employer? Are there labour laws pertaining to this kind of thing? Are there documented…

I have a terrible call centre job. I know, I know. It sucks, but it's work I can do from home during difficult personal circumstances.

Anyway, everything we do is timed to the second and we can only take three short breaks per day. We have to announce when we need the toilet (it's like being back at school). Just really degrading and undignified. Like yeah, it's my third toilet break this morning because the manager being a massive bitch gave me anxiety diarrhoea.

I've been stuck at my desk for hours this morning and I started wondering… this is how DVT forms, right? Long periods of inactivity. I'm a hypochondriac so every leg twinge at the moment is making me nervous.

If someone developed DVT, or even worse, a pulmonary embolism, could they sue their employer? Are there labour laws pertaining to this kind of thing? Are there documented cases of work-induced DVT?

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