
Does anyone have any experience reporting to the Department of Labor in Los Angeles?

For some context without doxxing myself: I am a first gen college grad who was able to break into a highly desirable industry. I have no safety net or family to fall back on if shit hits the fan. My boss is doing a lot of highly illegal things and I want to file a report to the DoL the issue is I was hoping to file anonymously but they said if I do that, then the case won’t get priority and they will get to it when they can (though from the agent’s tone, it implied might be never). I’m worried that if I file the report under my name, even if they swear up and down that my name will be confidential that my boss will find out anyway. He is very well connected in Los Angeles, an actual (almost) billionaire, and has threatened the careers of other…

For some context without doxxing myself: I am a first gen college grad who was able to break into a highly desirable industry. I have no safety net or family to fall back on if shit hits the fan.

My boss is doing a lot of highly illegal things and I want to file a report to the DoL the issue is I was hoping to file anonymously but they said if I do that, then the case won’t get priority and they will get to it when they can (though from the agent’s tone, it implied might be never). I’m worried that if I file the report under my name, even if they swear up and down that my name will be confidential that my boss will find out anyway. He is very well connected in Los Angeles, an actual (almost) billionaire, and has threatened the careers of other employees for way less. If my name ever got out, it would surely blacklist me from my industry and I fear I would be unemployable.

All that being said, I can’t stand it all anymore. He is breaking so many laws which the agent at the DoL agreed.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Can the DoL actually keep my name confidential?

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