
Does anyone have ideas, resources for automating a work-from-home customer service job so I can do less work, and focus on other things? It’s live chat and e-mails

Note: I'm not hired yet. I think both interviews went very well and there's a good chance I will be hired. But regardless, my question still applies since every job I'm applying for is customer service oriented and WFH/remote. As it relates to the job I might be offered, it's primarily responding to live chats, and involves some emails. The employer would provide me with a company laptop from what I know. I'd imagine that before doing anything at all, I would need to check it for anything pre-installed that might be able to monitor what I do, install, etc…. right? I'd imagine that some companies do that, while others can thankfully be quite trusting. FWIW: the one I might get hired at is one of those small but growing, “modern”, hip, tech-y companies. Let's say it checks out to be fine and there's nothing spy-esque installed on the laptop…

Note: I'm not hired yet. I think both interviews went very well and there's a good chance I will be hired. But regardless, my question still applies since every job I'm applying for is customer service oriented and WFH/remote.

As it relates to the job I might be offered, it's primarily responding to live chats, and involves some emails.

The employer would provide me with a company laptop from what I know. I'd imagine that before doing anything at all, I would need to check it for anything pre-installed that might be able to monitor what I do, install, etc…. right? I'd imagine that some companies do that, while others can thankfully be quite trusting. FWIW: the one I might get hired at is one of those small but growing, “modern”, hip, tech-y companies. Let's say it checks out to be fine and there's nothing spy-esque installed on the laptop (probably Windows).

How do you think I could go about automating it? What resources out there are available for this type of thing? Not just Chat GPT. Surely some type of smart learning program out there exists where I can basically feed it everything from the company's policies, how-to, FAQ, glossary, etc… right? And then it should be well equipped to answer a question based off the knowledge I've provided + anything on the company website.

I'm just brainstorming here, but from there, it could possibly generate a response for me to give the customer, along with sources (for me to view) in case I want to double check where exactly it got the answer from. And then if it seemed correct to me, I would 'ok' it and send it or hit copy/paste. I don't think I'd want it sending the chats on its own without approval; at least not to start.

What are your thoughts on something like this? Any ideas, tips?

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