
Does anyone know anything about notice periods? Should I feel guilty if I put in my week’s notice?

I've never been on this subreddit but my cousin told me to post here for employment advice. I'm a female who is 24. If it's relevant, I was diagnosed with Asperger's (high functioning autism) as an adolescent so I'm not sure what's normal or acceptable in this scenario. I'm on the verge of a breakdown, my mental health is really suffering. I have worked in this job for 10 months but I don't even want to go back for another day. I've been applying for other jobs and have savings so money isn't an issue. ​ ​ One reason is how mismanaged the place is, everyone has left so the team has been halved and this puts so much pressure on me, the work is constant and nonstop and I keep making constant and stupid mistakes and my confidence self esteem is at its lowest. PLUS, **everyone** is always coming…

I've never been on this subreddit but my cousin told me to post here for employment advice. I'm a female who is 24. If it's relevant, I was diagnosed with Asperger's (high functioning autism) as an adolescent so I'm not sure what's normal or acceptable in this scenario. I'm on the verge of a breakdown, my mental health is really suffering. I have worked in this job for 10 months but I don't even want to go back for another day. I've been applying for other jobs and have savings so money isn't an issue.

One reason is how mismanaged the place is, everyone has left so the team has been halved and this puts so much pressure on me, the work is constant and nonstop and I keep making constant and stupid mistakes and my confidence self esteem is at its lowest. PLUS, **everyone** is always coming to me for help with everything because they know that with my autism I find it impossible to say no. So sometimes I have a line of 3 or 4 people who need me to send out urgent documents or print urgent stuff and then I see my coworkers who are bit less approachable on their phones. I was led to believe it would be almost like a HR type of job but it's just admin assistant for the HR department. I don't even get to talk to anyone else outside the office, it's just sending emails, letters and photocopying and scanning and stuff like that. I am really bored because I don't think it matches my passions, I have a Master's degree and thought this would be a stepping stone to a career that I'd really want to do. I don't really have the skillset for this role, I think I'm better at dealing with people than anything else. I was told promotion was incredibly common, but that was a lie.. it's only in other roles. Nobody gets a promotion in my role. I am well liked within the job and I will feel guilty for leaving and putting even more pressure on everyone else but I genuinely don't think I can face another day without a panic attack.

I was supposed to get a probation review meeting 3 months in but it never happened. When I go to my profile on the intranet it “probation outcome” is still blank. But “notice period” says one month (although it has *always* said that). My contract says that the notice period can be extended for any reason, but I was never told it was extended. It says that within the notice period I can give one weeks notice. I don't really understand, am I still in the notice period? My mum has told me that at this point probation doesn't really matter because I've been here for so long, but is she right?

Also, I'm torn if should I just stay? Everyone is under immense pressure and applying for other jobs. Me leaving will just put them under even more pressure. Everyone likes me and I am friendly with everyone so I'll feel really guilty to just suddenly leave them like that with little notice. There are 3 major projects due and there is *NO WAY* they'll get done in time with me not being there because I've been the one focusing on them while everyone else is doing other stuff.

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