
Does my boss hate me?

I am in a strange situation with my boss at my current job. I am a longstanding employee at a digital agency with a great relationship with clients, teammates and our other suppliers. My new boss started about 6 months ago. Initially it was fine but after showing him some of my past work on projects, he became a bit weird with me. He started to make jokes at my expense when I saw him in the office, and at work drinks he got a bit drunk and started to talk down the quality of my work to me. I was shocked by this as it seemed to come out of nowhere. Since then I've worked extra hard to deliver value for the company as a reaction to his negative comments and to prove my worth. It's had a hugely positive response from the client and I know the client…

I am in a strange situation with my boss at my current job. I am a longstanding employee at a digital agency with a great relationship with clients, teammates and our other suppliers.

My new boss started about 6 months ago. Initially it was fine but after showing him some of my past work on projects, he became a bit weird with me. He started to make jokes at my expense when I saw him in the office, and at work drinks he got a bit drunk and started to talk down the quality of my work to me. I was shocked by this as it seemed to come out of nowhere.

Since then I've worked extra hard to deliver value for the company as a reaction to his negative comments and to prove my worth. It's had a hugely positive response from the client and I know the client has asked for me to be given a prominent role on our account.

He's now given me a promotion to a good project and role, but seems almost annoyed about it. He has been giving credit for some of my recent work to his other direct reports, to the extent of lying to the client and other senior managers that his other reports had created/presented work they weren't involved in.

Recently in meetings he's been telling me that he didn't want to invite me but other people had stepped in to ask that I was included. I feel that he speaks down to me and tries to 'put me in my place ' / 'cut me down to size' which I don't understand as I've never done anything against him.

I'm really thinking about moving on now as I can't see how I can succeed with this guy as my boss. I had a manager who was advocating for me internally but he was recently fired, I think by my current boss. So now I feel very exposed. Any ideas welcome.

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