
Does my boss have a point?

Told my boss in writing I couldn't work certain shifts past a certain date. He said okay. The time rolls around and he says “you actually had to go into your availability on the online portal and change it, so since you didn't, you are still responsible for the shift” But shouldn't he update my availability on his end? I told him a month and a half ago, guess he forgot, now says I'm responsible for it. I'll go if this is genuinely a mess up on my part, what do y'all think?

Told my boss in writing I couldn't work certain shifts past a certain date. He said okay. The time rolls around and he says “you actually had to go into your availability on the online portal and change it, so since you didn't, you are still responsible for the shift”

But shouldn't he update my availability on his end? I told him a month and a half ago, guess he forgot, now says I'm responsible for it.

I'll go if this is genuinely a mess up on my part, what do y'all think?

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