
Does my employer have to pay my PTO if I quit the day I’m supposed to come back from vacation?

I am very unhappy at my job and just received a very uncomfortable message from a manager. I asked for these days off 2 weeks ago but I’m considering just not coming back. Will my employer have to pay me my PTO if I don’t come back? I’m on vacation from 8-20 until 8-28 and I’m supposed to come back to work on 8-29. If I email on 8-29 that I quit and will not be coming back to work, is he legally required in the state of NJ to pay my vacation days I just used?

I am very unhappy at my job and just received a very uncomfortable message from a manager. I asked for these days off 2 weeks ago but I’m considering just not coming back. Will my employer have to pay me my
PTO if I don’t come back? I’m on vacation from 8-20 until 8-28 and I’m supposed to come back to work on 8-29. If I email on 8-29 that I quit and will not be coming back to work, is he legally required in the state of NJ to pay my vacation days I just used?

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