
Does my job have too many responsibilities or am I just tripping?

It’s been over a year and it’s hard for me to define what I do into a sentence. I guess if I had to, it would be that I’m in business operations. The job description for my ENTRY LEVEL job was originally this massive list. They were looking for a college grad with my background and a few years of technical lab experience. The job description includes…. -Support and equip GTM and ensure top and bottom line development -funnel prioritize go to market expectations and proper executions -Support top line growth and margin performance for North America. -Be the primary contact for regional pricing and handle all pricing increases and questions for the region -strategically align prices for customer negotiations -Inform stakeholders of customer needs Market, Trends and business intelligence -help all sales negotiate their prices for the following year -Train category, managers and salesforce on product offers innovations, and…

It’s been over a year and it’s hard for me to define what I do into a sentence. I guess if I had to, it would be that I’m in business operations. The job description for my ENTRY LEVEL job was originally this massive list. They were looking for a college grad with my background and a few years of technical lab experience. The job description includes….
-Support and equip GTM and ensure top and bottom line development
-funnel prioritize go to market expectations and proper executions
-Support top line growth and margin performance for North America.
-Be the primary contact for regional pricing and handle all pricing increases and questions for the region
-strategically align prices for customer negotiations
-Inform stakeholders of customer needs Market, Trends and business intelligence
-help all sales negotiate their prices for the following year
-Train category, managers and salesforce on product offers innovations, and tools
-Master technical aspect of the portfolio to support all the categories questions
-Fuel funnel and prioritize opportunities in the pipeline
-be the key interface for all of product line questions
-contribute ideas to the product line strategy and vale propositions

On top of that I feel like my job is more than this:
-most of the time I’m remote but I’m also traveling out of state or country to visit plants and have meetings
-they are asking me to start attending customer visits to be the sales support on our product line for any technical questions
-they asked me to visit more customers on top of my job
-I am doing opportunity mapping which is very intense marketing analysis for 6 value propositions, on top of my job. Which is great to learn but also isn’t my job. It does help me with my value propositions though.

There’s no one to delegate much to.

I’m struggling to figure out this is a normal amount of responsibilities.
I’ve already talked to my boss about it but it doesn’t help since she’s managing two product lines and I’m only managing one. Just wanted to know if I’m tripping or if this is actually a lot of responsibility?

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