
does my manager have the right to tell me to cover up my self harm scars?

Im pretty angry and upset about all of this, for context I used to cut a lot, none of them are fresh (im two years clean of cutting) so they are pretty faded. but with the amount of them and how deep I went they are still pretty noticeable especially if you get a look of my whole left arm. Ive come to peace with all this and I stopped trying to cover my scars. I dont really care if people judge me or anything, they are a permanent part of my body now and a reminder of my past and that things get better. I recently got a new job as a cashier and on my second day I wore a jacket that covered about only half my arm. all was well until about half way through one of my managers came up to me and told me a…

Im pretty angry and upset about all of this, for context I used to cut a lot, none of them are fresh (im two years clean of cutting) so they are pretty faded. but with the amount of them and how deep I went they are still pretty noticeable especially if you get a look of my whole left arm. Ive come to peace with all this and I stopped trying to cover my scars. I dont really care if people judge me or anything, they are a permanent part of my body now and a reminder of my past and that things get better.

I recently got a new job as a cashier and on my second day I wore a jacket that covered about only half my arm. all was well until about half way through one of my managers came up to me and told me a customer had complained that I made them uncomfortable with my scars and asked if I could cover them up. cover up my fucking arm because it makes YOU uncomfortable? Does my manager have any legal right to ask this of me? there is nothing against showing the lower half of my forearm in the dress code and the scars and clearly fading. idk how to feel about all this. I live in the US btw.

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