
Does the older generation not get it?

I went to Walmart for an interview, and they were disrespectful as hell. Long story short, I'm walking into the establishment, and they are basically looking at me like I'm stupid. I had on some black cut of shorts, and a red Areopostale jacket. I come to the establishment, I already several days prior talked to somebody and they dismissed me like I was an incovience. I had to come back days later because my last application expired. I was told this by a rude front desk lady, who wouldn'tstop looking at me like i was a bum. I then come back today, I went to the back and they dismiss me to the break room. They then call me back, and in a room filled with supervisors one of the bosses looks me up and down and points at my cloths and told me to come back presentable for…

I went to Walmart for an interview, and they were disrespectful as hell. Long story short, I'm walking into the establishment, and they are basically looking at me like I'm stupid. I had on some black cut of shorts, and a red Areopostale jacket. I come to the establishment, I already several days prior talked to somebody and they dismissed me like I was an incovience. I had to come back days later because my last application expired. I was told this by a rude front desk lady, who wouldn'tstop looking at me like i was a bum. I then come back today, I went to the back and they dismiss me to the break room. They then call me back, and in a room filled with supervisors one of the bosses looks me up and down and points at my cloths and told me to come back presentable for the job. As the other supervisors just sit and watch my ass. And that they'll call me back. Mind you, one of the rude ladies I talked to asked if I called, well yes I did but guess what, they never pick up the phone. And when I initially went back to that meeting room with the supervisors, one lady I talked to, looked at me like I was stupid. No, (oh yeah I talked to you, you here for an interview!) None of that.

Okay, so later today I get upset and I'm in the kitchen. My dad says (well you are supposed to dress presentable for an interview I always taught you that) mind you, it was for a stocker position, at……Walmart) He didn't seem to understand that they were talking to me like I was a bum, and like I was stupid. After THEY told me to come back. It was a walk, and I don't have a car. And this is south Mississippi. I told my dad, they were being rude, and I mer the basic requirements for an interview, especially for a position as a stocker. On top of that, you don't not show up, and not have your management in order then demand someone to show up “presentable” yet……it's my fault. This is another reason why I don't respect my dad, he rarely defends me and always comes out trying to imitate a [sound and logical] man when he is just a coward.

I have a question, why do older generations such as my dad not get why this is ludicrous? The appropriate dress, the work style test, all the other systems, for jobs that aren't corporate America? I wouldn't have worn this at more professional elite jobs, I'm not stupid. But the older generation thinks we are entitled and idiotic to question things like this, and I have noticed this way of thinking from them for a while. At 22 years old, I get there is a time and a place, but some formalities mean nothing when companies treat you like shit, and run all over you. Yet, it was my fault? I don't get it?

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