
Does this seem fair? I feel like they’re asking too much but at the same time it is entry level…

Hi everyone. Does this sound good to you or is it bad? They are located in Vermont, BTW if this helps. Any advice on what to say during the interview will be a great help! Thank you in advance. “General Information: • This is a part-time, contract role. • Core hours are 10am – 6pm ET (USA). • Hours will be “as needed”, which means whatever we need to achieve the goals we agree on for the role. Max budget is for 16 hours per week. Goals will be set accordingly. We actually expect this hour count to be lower given our current project load, but we're not certain. • If you are hired, there is a 4-6 week probation period during which we will be evaluating the relationship. After those weeks we'll determine whether or not to extend the contract. • The pay is $20-30 USD/hour. We can negotiate a flat monthly…

Hi everyone.

Does this sound good to you or is it bad?
They are located in Vermont, BTW if this helps.
Any advice on what to say during the interview will be a great help!

Thank you in advance.

“General Information:

• This is a part-time, contract role.

• Core hours are 10am – 6pm ET (USA).

• Hours will be “as needed”, which means whatever we need to achieve the goals we agree on for the role. Max budget is for 16 hours per week. Goals will be set accordingly. We actually expect this hour count to be lower given our current project load, but we're not certain.

• If you are hired, there is a 4-6 week probation period during which we will be evaluating the relationship. After those weeks we'll determine whether or not to extend the contract.

• The pay is $20-30 USD/hour. We can negotiate a flat monthly rate after the probation period if desired.

• We pay through This is ACH/direct deposit or wire depending on where you are located. We pay monthly for the hours worked the previous month.

• Hours are tracked and logged in a Google Calendar along with the rest of the team. Hours are logged as they are completed.

• We communicate through Slack and use for product/project management. We occasionally use Discord for group calls.

Studio Information:

• We're a small, part-time team with a flexible headcount. Because of this, everyone at the studio is a part-time contractor.

• We're currently 8 people and that's likely to go down to 3 or 4 before the end of the year as we finish up company project and complete the minimum viable product for an unannounced project.

• We tend to work with a similar and rotating cast of collaborators! So it's common to see faces you've seen before. Though we are planning to expand our network over the next couple of years.

• We tend to work on one or two internal projects at a time, and occasionally take on contract work.

• We often go through a boom/bust cycle where we have tons going on and then very little. One goal for this role will be to maintain a consistent social media / community presence even during the bust periods.

• Our focus is on developing and releasing small games. We aim for games with around 2-5 hours of content. We might release games that can be played for longer, but our goal is to deliver a good, short experience at a low to moderate price.

Job Information:

• This job primarily focuses on company name projects, but may include occasional work with other group.

• We are aiming for 2-4 “posts” per week and 1 newsletter / big community update per month. As we measure our success we will increase or decrease as necessary. Your job is ultimately to maintain a minimum baseline of content and engagement.

• Your job is not to hook us up with influencers, streamers, press people, etc. If that occurs, great, but it's not the goal.

• You will have access to the team for ideation and brainstorming. We will try to be available to answer any product questions as well.

• High level goals will be to make more people aware of our games and to direct fans to our Discord, store pages (Steam,, Nintendo eshop, etc), and newsletter.

• Success will be measured based on increased wishlist counts, sales, and community engagement. We'll be taking an iterative approach. Plan, Test, Review, Discard/Repeat.

• Target social media platforms are flexible. Discord, store pages, and our newsletter will be our priority goals. Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Imgur, TikTok, Youtube Shorts, Steam broadcasting, etc are places we'd like to experiment with posts. Since we really have no online presence or community to speak of, we will be focusing on finding out what platform works best for us and our products.

• Our approach to achieving our goals will be pretty flexible. We're open to all sorts of content (even stuff not directly related to our games) as long as it is representative of our studio and games in some way.

• Whatever the approach is, you will be responsible for creating most of the content. That will include copy, graphics, recordings, edits, etc. Our artists and developers will be around for creating project-specific things such as key art, logos, or for recording difficult/very specific footage.

• Additional budgets can be made available for more complex art or audio needs.”

Additional info: “For the interview you'll be required to sign an NDA. Beyond that–if you are selected,–there is a special Round 4 which is contract negotiation! (very fun!)”

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