
Does WARN still work if your company’s HQ has moved to an international country/city?

My company's having a rough time and most, if not all, of us are a wee concerned. My company was started here in the states, NY to be exact, and I know NY has a WARN list. However, they were recently merged with an oversea company. The HQ has now moved over there. US still has a few branches, but I was hoping to rely on WARN for any incoming layoffs. However, I'm a little worried now about it no longer showing since our HQ has moved. On a side note, let's say a company has multiple branches but the HQ is in a state that doesn't have WARN, do the branches in states that do use WARN still see online notices?

My company's having a rough time and most, if not all, of us are a wee concerned.

My company was started here in the states, NY to be exact, and I know NY has a WARN list. However, they were recently merged with an oversea company. The HQ has now moved over there. US still has a few branches, but I was hoping to rely on WARN for any incoming layoffs.

However, I'm a little worried now about it no longer showing since our HQ has moved.

On a side note, let's say a company has multiple branches but the HQ is in a state that doesn't have WARN, do the branches in states that do use WARN still see online notices?

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