
Does your job give a yearly performance review/raise?

Just discovered that the hotel I work at just doesn't give yearly raises. Like at all. They realized they could just do away with them, put a cap on each position's max income, and people will just put up with it for years. The only time they ever give out raises is if they're legally compelled to via minimum wage increases, or if someone gets promoted, which, in this hotel, only ever happens when a dept manager gets burnt out from having to cover the slack of the 60% missing workforce because they also refuse to raise wages high enough that anyone wants to work here. I've literally never even heard of a company not doing yearly raises before and am just wondering if that's just the new par for the course. Ofc, the GM still gets his bonuses, the various CEOs all make millions and millions, and the parent…

Just discovered that the hotel I work at just doesn't give yearly raises. Like at all. They realized they could just do away with them, put a cap on each position's max income, and people will just put up with it for years. The only time they ever give out raises is if they're legally compelled to via minimum wage increases, or if someone gets promoted, which, in this hotel, only ever happens when a dept manager gets burnt out from having to cover the slack of the 60% missing workforce because they also refuse to raise wages high enough that anyone wants to work here.

I've literally never even heard of a company not doing yearly raises before and am just wondering if that's just the new par for the course.

Ofc, the GM still gets his bonuses, the various CEOs all make millions and millions, and the parent corp spent $5 billion on its own stock last year.

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