
Doing other people who get paid more’s job

I'm a temp A coworker tried to convince me that her coworker was making me do her job I didn't think so. I didnt mind. Simple task, really, she was supposed to help our coworker because her stall is the busiest The next day, that same coworker, after telling me I finished my work asked me to help her I was miserable. It was scorching hot in that room and I was doing her (hard) work for an hour. She said she “couldn't” do it because it was painful for her. It was painful for me too. I didn't mind because she's an older woman and if she's in pain, I wanted to help She was my higher up and in charge of me after the manager left so I was afraid to speak up. I think, if the task was going to take that long and be that challenging,…

I'm a temp

A coworker tried to convince me that her coworker was making me do her job

I didn't think so. I didnt mind.

Simple task, really, she was supposed to help our coworker because her stall is the busiest

The next day, that same coworker, after telling me I finished my work asked me to help her

I was miserable. It was scorching hot in that room and I was doing her (hard) work for an hour. She said she “couldn't” do it because it was painful for her.

It was painful for me too. I didn't mind because she's an older woman and if she's in pain, I wanted to help

She was my higher up and in charge of me after the manager left so I was afraid to speak up. I think, if the task was going to take that long and be that challenging, she should've asked another prep cook

She did my (very easy) job. Bringing out the things I was going to serve

When she needs help prepping, usually it's something easy that takes up to 30 minutes so I don't mind. I can take a break/enjoy downtime after

I don't think she's a bad person, she's helped me and done me favors, I just thought that was a total dick move and I was upset for the rest of the day

As a temp, when I found out what needed to be done, I did it

So that whole week I was working, I was doing work for other people, who were taking a break for ~2hrs

And I'm assuming they did that because they noticed that theor work was done when they came back.

I finished the shifts I was scheduled to work there

I did enjoy the job up until that shift
(regardless of doing other people's work whether knowingly or unknowingly as someone who worked at amazon as a fc associate and a driver. Constantly busting my ass for about 12 hrs made working at a restaurant in 2 hr increments with up to 3 hrs worth of down time nothing)

When they're short staffed and the people who know their job is over leave, when you're stuck there until the doors lock, you have no choice but to pick up other's slack and it sucks

I'm not a prep cook, not a busser, I didnt work in xyz.

I got hired to scoop food into plates and that is the pay I recieve

Prep cooks are paid more for being in the hot kitchen and risking being cut

I did an hr of prep cook work for an hr of server pay

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