
Doing the job of 3-4 people at the start up I work at.

Combined with them adding another mandatory in office day (we were totally remote and more than productive during covid), our 2023 kickoff meetings that spanned days and could only be described as “delusional” because upper management thinks the company runs on rainbow farts and has no idea of the day to day, and they make us read books as a company and have “book club” meetings every week with the latest one being forced on us is written by a billionaire right-wing authoritarian piece of shit. Like is mad women get to vote because it makes it hard for the POS candidates he wants to win impossible type of asshole. I make okay money but once again I do the job of 3-4 people while too many people at this place barely have 2-3 hours worth of work a day and I'm sure they make either the same or more…

Combined with them adding another mandatory in office day (we were totally remote and more than productive during covid), our 2023 kickoff meetings that spanned days and could only be described as “delusional” because upper management thinks the company runs on rainbow farts and has no idea of the day to day, and they make us read books as a company and have “book club” meetings every week with the latest one being forced on us is written by a billionaire right-wing authoritarian piece of shit. Like is mad women get to vote because it makes it hard for the POS candidates he wants to win impossible type of asshole.
I make okay money but once again I do the job of 3-4 people while too many people at this place barely have 2-3 hours worth of work a day and I'm sure they make either the same or more than me.
I'm about to try switching to part time so I can eventually get something elsewhere but this “drink the koolaid blah blah our CuLtUrE” place is just a toxic cult right? I'm not crazy for trying to gtfo am I?

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