
Done putting in what I’m not getting back.

I’m so tired of being mistreated and forced to just survive as the typical individual despite being disabled. (Not “self diagnosed” but diagnosed by mental health professionals) Work worsens my physical and mental health to where I can’t stay at the same place for more than 3 months. The literal government thinks I am too mentally disabled to work and I receive “bEnEfiTs” but I live in Texas where they don’t give a single fck about actually giving anyone with disabilities accommodation, help with housing and even give you a hard time in receiving your own benefits. The only thing they have in terms of disability assistance is “helping disabled find work” a*hole. Work IS the problem. Do you know wtf disability means?? ’m hating my favorite season of all which used to give me a sense of calm. I’m paid 13/ hour to be caught up in moronic holiday…

I’m so tired of being mistreated and forced to just survive as the typical individual despite being disabled. (Not “self diagnosed” but diagnosed by mental health professionals) Work worsens my physical and mental health to where I can’t stay at the same place for more than 3 months. The literal government thinks I am too mentally disabled to work and I receive “bEnEfiTs” but I live in Texas where they don’t give a single fck about actually giving anyone with disabilities accommodation, help with housing and even give you a hard time in receiving your own benefits. The only thing they have in terms of disability assistance is “helping disabled find work” a*hole. Work IS the problem. Do you know wtf disability means?? ’m hating my favorite season of all which used to give me a sense of calm. I’m paid 13/ hour to be caught up in moronic holiday shoppers. I’m officially done. I feel so taken advantage of and for demanding I give so much into society I’m not given a single thing. I’m moving back to NY in a couple of months, my aunt says she “knows places and people” that could help my situation to come live w her and she can help me find what I’m needing. Plan is to get into assisted housing through getting a social worker. Pay my living expenses with my SSI. I make art and sell some stuff. I’m cool with babysitting or dog walking. And I like performance art with a desire to get into burlesque. I can do little extra off the books things or even volunteer my time at animal shelters and things like that bc it’s MY choice and I don’t have the extra stress of being demanded anywhere. I’m not a sedentary person at all, I like being active and even exercise 5 days a week. But I REFUSE to work for this country anymore and accept unreasonable treatment. Enough is enough. I’m starting to hate authority, I talk back to my bosses, and walk out instead of bite my tongue and sacrifice my health. I’m less pale, sleep better and don’t get significantly under weight bc of it anymore. Bc I’m done with the abuse. Im working for literally the money to ditch and go north. My trip is already paid for I just need some money to go with. There will be no 2 week notice, I don’t give a damn how short they are. I’m not a person who needs designer shit or fancy cars or big houses, I’m a huge diy person mainly focused on art and stuff. So I’d rather live with a humble small income than work and die young from the severity of stress. People can call me a loser too that’s fine. I refuse to continue sacrificing my already poor sense of mental stability for a country that doesn’t care about me.

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