
Don’t college degrees mean a high income any more these days?

TLDR My father's dying of Glioblastoma Multiforme. Hopefully he'll survive but… I won't get into details. His wish is that I complete my Bsc Psych degree so I can become a pharma rep and earn a high income for financial security, coziness. So does my mother who's healthy fortunately. They are boomers. I am Gen Z. These are different times. Don't certain college degrees secure you a high income by default any more? Sorry if this is a weird or stupid question

TLDR My father's dying of Glioblastoma Multiforme. Hopefully he'll survive but… I won't get into details. His wish is that I complete my Bsc Psych degree so I can become a pharma rep and earn a high income for financial security, coziness. So does my mother who's healthy fortunately.

They are boomers. I am Gen Z. These are different times. Don't certain college degrees secure you a high income by default any more?

Sorry if this is a weird or stupid question

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