
“Don’t come to work if your sick” then “but we won’t pay you even though you have PTO.”

Ugh more of a vent, sorry if not allowed. Got a bad chest cold last week, boss told me to stay home, was out Tuesday-Friday last week. Saw a Dr, got a note, and applied for my PTO (I have 60 hours available and requesting 32) To which I was denied because we're not allowed to use PTO/vacation pay for sick time, and oh that sucks you only have 10 hours sick time…guess your not getting paid for the week. Emailed HR with their statement saying you can use vacation time for your own sickness, and my Dr's note. They responded that the text saying you can use vacation time is for FMLA only apparently and it's my bosses decision to deny or approve it. And he says he cares for me..what a twat. Guess next time I'll come in and vomit on his desk. Rant over…hope everyone else's day…

Ugh more of a vent, sorry if not allowed.

Got a bad chest cold last week, boss told me to stay home, was out Tuesday-Friday last week. Saw a Dr, got a note, and applied for my PTO (I have 60 hours available and requesting 32)

To which I was denied because we're not allowed to use PTO/vacation pay for sick time, and oh that sucks you only have 10 hours sick time…guess your not getting paid for the week.

Emailed HR with their statement saying you can use vacation time for your own sickness, and my Dr's note. They responded that the text saying you can use vacation time is for FMLA only apparently and it's my bosses decision to deny or approve it.

And he says he cares for me..what a twat.

Guess next time I'll come in and vomit on his desk.

Rant over…hope everyone else's day goes smoother than mine

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