
Don’t do this

So just found out some managers want to know how their staff are joining meetings. From their computer or their phone. Wanting to make sure they aren’t at the beach or somewhere else enjoyable. As long as they are freaking attending the meeting, who cares? I work on my back deck sometimes, humans should not be under fluorescent lighting for 40 hours a week. If someone is not performing, speak to that, don’t micromanage how they try to stave off burnout and lack of vitamin D.

So just found out some managers want to know how their staff are joining meetings. From their computer or their phone. Wanting to make sure they aren’t at the beach or somewhere else enjoyable. As long as they are freaking attending the meeting, who cares? I work on my back deck sometimes, humans should not be under fluorescent lighting for 40 hours a week. If someone is not performing, speak to that, don’t micromanage how they try to stave off burnout and lack of vitamin D.

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