
Don’t hate those who work for a living

We’ve had some discussions of people’s salaries so now is a good time to remind ourselves that the “fight” is not between high earners and low earners. Fundamentally, we have two kinds of people: those who work for money—the labor class— and those who own things for money—the capital class. Fighting inside the labor class about how someone deserves more or less is exactly what the capital class wants. Your enemy is not the educated professional making $300k a year on a salary. That lawyer, doctor, or banker making $300k-1mm is much closer to the fast food worker making $12/hour, than to the capital class that owns the Fortune corporations. Ultimately the world we want is one in which labor is given a fair portion of the value it generates, and the fruits of the means of production (be it land, machinery, or AI) are equitably distributed instead of the…

We’ve had some discussions of people’s salaries so now is a good time to remind ourselves that the “fight” is not between high earners and low earners.

Fundamentally, we have two kinds of people: those who work for money—the labor class— and those who own things for money—the capital class.

Fighting inside the labor class about how someone deserves more or less is exactly what the capital class wants. Your enemy is not the educated professional making $300k a year on a salary. That lawyer, doctor, or banker making $300k-1mm is much closer to the fast food worker making $12/hour, than to the capital class that owns the Fortune corporations.

Ultimately the world we want is one in which labor is given a fair portion of the value it generates, and the fruits of the means of production (be it land, machinery, or AI) are equitably distributed instead of the owner taking all. That and nothing else will bring you any liberation from the exploitation of “work.”

Know the right enemy, and fight the right struggle.

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