
Don’t have 9-5 availability but, i landed an interview for a job I would be so much happier in.

Hello, I’m 21, a college student, and work in retail. It’s very miserable for me right now, and I’m at a breaking point, so I began looking for a new job. My pay ($16/hr) is what’s incentivized me to stay, but I’m getting desperate to be out of retail. To give a small picture, I have a coworker who makes me extremely uncomfortable and actively leaves me as the only cashier in the store. My boss keeps scheduling me outside of my availability after we discussed it over 6 times. Our store is busiest in the district, yet the most understaffed. It’s also a retail pharmacy so customers are 10x angrier bc they want their medicine like it’s the McDonald’s drive thru. And finally, I’m the only one working right now between me and my partner. So I don’t have a choice to just take less hours or quit on…

Hello, I’m 21, a college student, and work in retail. It’s very miserable for me right now, and I’m at a breaking point, so I began looking for a new job. My pay ($16/hr) is what’s incentivized me to stay, but I’m getting desperate to be out of retail.

To give a small picture, I have a coworker who makes me extremely uncomfortable and actively leaves me as the only cashier in the store. My boss keeps scheduling me outside of my availability after we discussed it over 6 times. Our store is busiest in the district, yet the most understaffed. It’s also a retail pharmacy so customers are 10x angrier bc they want their medicine like it’s the McDonald’s drive thru. And finally, I’m the only one working right now between me and my partner. So I don’t have a choice to just take less hours or quit on the spot really.

Anyway, this interview I just landed is for a photography job. I love photography and have loved it since I was in high school but this job requires 9 to 5 availability which I don’t really have unless I start being absent for my classes. I’m not sure what to do. This job pays better, and is in a field I would be much happier as a person in. My schooling is definitely important to me, but it doesn’t provide me any money right now which is why I feel inclined to take the job and just figure out school.

Anybody have any advice? My interview is on Friday.

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