
Don’t let your boss make you lose yourself at work

Yes, certain work places are highly toxic mainly due to a toxic lead manager/boss, but don’t let that be the reason to quit especially if the pay is decent. Remember a job is just something you need to live your lifestyle and pay your bills, and you have to put up with certain bullshit that comes with it when you’re ON the clock, you have to be ignore certain things, and focus on being highly productive and completing your tasks at an effective and efficient rate level, nothing more, nothing less. Your manager/boss has the power to terminate you without any warnings and for any bullshit reason he or she can pull out of his/her ass, with that being said, once you understand that concept, there shouldn’t be any reason to let them try to bully you especially for stupid things like OFF the clock activities that by law you’re…

Yes, certain work places are highly toxic mainly due to a toxic lead manager/boss, but don’t let that be the reason to quit especially if the pay is decent. Remember a job is just something you need to live your lifestyle and pay your bills, and you have to put up with certain bullshit that comes with it when you’re ON the clock, you have to be ignore certain things, and focus on being highly productive and completing your tasks at an effective and efficient rate level, nothing more, nothing less.

Your manager/boss has the power to terminate you without any warnings and for any bullshit reason he or she can pull out of his/her ass, with that being said, once you understand that concept, there shouldn’t be any reason to let them try to bully you especially for stupid things like OFF the clock activities that by law you’re not obligated to participate in unless it’s mandated and you’re getting PAID for it.

I’ve encountered a lot of bosses who have this backward type of mindset like they feel they can impose their way into controlling you while you’re off the clock, set your boundaries early, make it plain and obvious that you’re only there to do your damn job and how you choose to spend your off days is none of their fucking business.

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