
Don’t say you train if you dont

Recently been let go from a job on day 9 of 30 of my initial training due to “unsatisfactory work performance”. Basically I wasn't doing all that I could've, or wasn't conveying what I had to convey perfectly. But I wasn't aware of that, as I had only just started. This seems to be just “how it is” since post-covid. How are you supposed to feel secure and confident going forward if you can't just go to work and do your work without feeling like you are going to lose it out of nowhere? You'd think they'd want their employees to succeed in the hopes that would cost less and make them more overall, but continuing to get worker after worker and stressing both parties out when the conclusion is you throw away someone who you told you were going to develop two weeks ago. Don't fill my head with…

Recently been let go from a job on day 9 of 30 of my initial training due to “unsatisfactory work performance”. Basically I wasn't doing all that I could've, or wasn't conveying what I had to convey perfectly. But I wasn't aware of that, as I had only just started.

This seems to be just “how it is” since post-covid. How are you supposed to feel secure and confident going forward if you can't just go to work and do your work without feeling like you are going to lose it out of nowhere?

You'd think they'd want their employees to succeed in the hopes that would cost less and make them more overall, but continuing to get worker after worker and stressing both parties out when the conclusion is you throw away someone who you told you were going to develop two weeks ago.

Don't fill my head with false promises and career improvement if you aren't going to actually follow through and get rid of me after the first time I do something remotely incorrect. I was in training. What does training mean to you?

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