Hey all, me again. TLDR at bottom. It seems like every morning it's something else. Yesterday was the infamous textbook drama. Well as you can imagine, surprisingly enough people in my office are having issues with the micro managing and dumb policies. And we're all going through this thing called life.
So the last couple of days, people have been a tad negative while my supervisor is cracking at the seams with our numbers being less than desired. Not only talking shit about management and the issues between departments but our own problems going on personally. We're a fairly close bunch of co workers, we tend to share and discuss between eachother quite a bit. And shocker, a lot of life events tend to be more negative than positive.
Well my supervisor felt to express his thoughts during our morning meeting discussing the new month upcoming. He couldn't stress enough that our “break room” is meant for information gathering and a place to store food, it's not a “psychiatric office to negative bomb everyone around you”. You don't know how others around you react, some people radiate negativity and it affects others, so we have to make sure we keep things positive. Positive Mindsets = More in Sales. That along with a lot of other condescending remarks commenting on mine along with my other newer members of the team's recent short comings, has, shockingly created more negativity amongst the team.
TLDR; Supervisor didn't like us discussing negative topics and personal stuff with eachother, demanded we sTaY pOsItiVe.