
Don’t want to pay your employees. Fine then lose your business.

Long time lurker first time poster. I think this fits here. If not please remove So this just happened in my area. A certain nationwide sandwich franchisee decided they were going to play fast and loose with labor laws. Like taking advantage of young people working their first jobs, not paying OT or no paying at all for that matter, among a laundrey list of other things. Well thanks to those same young people who got educated about their rights, the owners of three franchise stores has lost their case and must pay out $1 million and sell there businesses. Want to play games with your workers it’s gonna cost you. Keep in mind they were young and in what a lot of people would consider a “low end” job. But they stood up and together they brought that thief of an owner to justice. Know your rights!

Long time lurker first time poster. I think this fits here. If not please remove

So this just happened in my area.

A certain nationwide sandwich franchisee decided they were going to play fast and loose with labor laws.

Like taking advantage of young people working their first jobs, not paying OT or no paying at all for that matter, among a laundrey list of other things.

Well thanks to those same young people who got educated about their rights, the owners of three franchise stores has lost their case and must pay out $1 million and sell there businesses.

Want to play games with your workers it’s gonna cost you.

Keep in mind they were young and in what a lot of people would consider a “low end” job. But they stood up and together they brought that thief of an owner to justice.
Know your rights!

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