
Don’t work at Food lion

Already been here a month So I got assistant supervisor position and working closing shift every day with little or no help. I have to self teach myself to operate the department every evening. Each time getting better but apparently my supervisor doesn't see it that way since I doesn't like my adult work ethic where I find things he misses and I fix it aka finding expired products or cleaning messes he left. So got called into the office and get tag teamed by both him and the store manager because they're upset that I'm not coordinating with the team and not communicating with them if something is wrong. (How am I supposed to supervise employees of the department and communicate if there's nowbody working that shift with me.) So I find out my supervisors true intentions in this meeting which the store manager is letting do which is…

Already been here a month

So I got assistant supervisor position and working closing shift every day with little or no help. I have to self teach myself to operate the department every evening. Each time getting better but apparently my supervisor doesn't see it that way since I doesn't like my adult work ethic where I find things he misses and I fix it aka finding expired products or cleaning messes he left. So got called into the office and get tag teamed by both him and the store manager because they're upset that I'm not coordinating with the team and not communicating with them if something is wrong. (How am I supposed to supervise employees of the department and communicate if there's nowbody working that shift with me.) So I find out my supervisors true intentions in this meeting which the store manager is letting do which is treat me like crap and take the blame. (Aka he rather cover for this jerk who's been here for 5 years rather then a new worker who has good work ethic). I'm getting falsely accused for throwing boxes at the walls even though nobody recollect seeing that and I asked was it on the camera because the room has one from which they asked another question (typical from management who cover up lies.)
One of the biggest things they asked me about my communication which almost made me snap was “why I'm being quiet in the meeting are you having trouble with your sex life or are you just the silent type who refuses to work?” I looked at him as well as the supervisor who was playing on his phone giving that attitude and said “pssh typical he won't answer.”
I was getting to the point I was about to say F them and throw my shirt down. Seriously this is the first time I have ever been disrespected to this extent by any retail manager.
Heading in soon to put my immediate notice of leaving and telling both of them to shove it. Seriously unprofessional these people.

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