
Drama Queen Co-Workers

Does anyone else currently have super dramatic, busybody co-workers that are about to drive you to quit?? I work in an office with several secretaries/clerical workers, all female, mostly of the older generation. The ones above a certain age have come across as nosey and gossipy, plus have a tendency to gate-keep their duties. Management wants me to learn how to do multiple things to be able to provide backup for these ladies when they miss work. However, whenever I try to step in for them and help with their workload, they are quick to tell me that I'm doing things wrong and question the knowledge of the leader who trained me. At this point, I've just decided that I'm “hands off” their work, unless they train me themselves. Obviously there's a knowledge gap between the trainers and the actual workers and I'm tired of being caught in the crossfire.…

Does anyone else currently have super dramatic, busybody co-workers that are about to drive you to quit??

I work in an office with several secretaries/clerical workers, all female, mostly of the older generation. The ones above a certain age have come across as nosey and gossipy, plus have a tendency to gate-keep their duties. Management wants me to learn how to do multiple things to be able to provide backup for these ladies when they miss work. However, whenever I try to step in for them and help with their workload, they are quick to tell me that I'm doing things wrong and question the knowledge of the leader who trained me. At this point, I've just decided that I'm “hands off” their work, unless they train me themselves. Obviously there's a knowledge gap between the trainers and the actual workers and I'm tired of being caught in the crossfire.

These ladies also always pester me to find out what I'm working on, who gave me the work and why. They cluster about their desks muttering amongst themselves about anyone they deem mildly interesting. They watch everybody like a hawk and are quick to volunteer information they've gathered about anyone in their radar, even if that information isn't true.

Not trying to be ageist at all, but this behavior seems pretty exclusive to the older age group here. The ones nearer to my age (mid 30s) and younger pretty much mind their business, go along to get along, and are happy to let me help with their workload. If I do something wrong, they actually help me learn to do it right instead of showing up in my doorway full of indignation and condescension.

I can't be the only person in the world dealing with this, so I came here to vent. If this is the wrong sub for this topic, let me know and I'll move it to the appropriate place.

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