
Drawing the Line

I've already got another job lined up, and I'm amazed at how much my GAF meter has plummeted. I work in a brick factory that has productivity requirements for the employees. Normally I wouldn't mind that, except for the fact that we aren't allowed to take any downtime for mechanical failures or other such issues that aren't the employee's fault. This leads to being penalized (usually by being put on a PIP) for not meeting quota. Recently, we had a meeting where it was heavily implied that if we don't leave our break (2x 15min) or lunch (1x25min) early to address problems, then we'll be held accountable for any quota shortfalls. Seriously? Our breaks are paid, but if your production quotas are so important that I can't take 25mins out of a 12-hour shift to eat, there's a problem. DAE think this is ridiculous, or am I being unreasonable?

I've already got another job lined up, and I'm amazed at how much my GAF meter has plummeted.

I work in a brick factory that has productivity requirements for the employees. Normally I wouldn't mind that, except for the fact that we aren't allowed to take any downtime for mechanical failures or other such issues that aren't the employee's fault.

This leads to being penalized (usually by being put on a PIP) for not meeting quota.

Recently, we had a meeting where it was heavily implied that if we don't leave our break (2x 15min) or lunch (1x25min) early to address problems, then we'll be held accountable for any quota shortfalls.

Seriously? Our breaks are paid, but if your production quotas are so important that I can't take 25mins out of a 12-hour shift to eat, there's a problem.

DAE think this is ridiculous, or am I being unreasonable?

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