

I'm 7 months into my first ''proper job'' after graduating and I have just become so deeply resentful of having to spend so much of my day getting ready to go work, commuting to and from work, and just being at work. Recently I got sick from covid and had to stay home for a week, and they pretty much texted me every day heavily hinting at how much they wanted me to be back at work, and also being asked about who was going to cover for me while I was out sick??? Like I'm in charge of that or know anything about that??? The I come back and there's just a pile of extra work waiting because the person covering for me didn't want to touch any of it. I hate all of this. Dreadful

I'm 7 months into my first ''proper job'' after graduating and I have just become so deeply resentful of having to spend so much of my day getting ready to go work, commuting to and from work, and just being at work. Recently I got sick from covid and had to stay home for a week, and they pretty much texted me every day heavily hinting at how much they wanted me to be back at work, and also being asked about who was going to cover for me while I was out sick??? Like I'm in charge of that or know anything about that??? The I come back and there's just a pile of extra work waiting because the person covering for me didn't want to touch any of it. I hate all of this. Dreadful

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