
Dreading more work hours.

So I work at a grocery store as a checker and this week another checker that worked here just got let go (too many no call no show) and now I’m dreading the fact that I’ll probably be given more shifts. I’m pretty used to the days I work and don’t want to do more and I can already feel them giving me weekends shifts. I don’t want to give up my weekends especially since I don’t really need money and hate this job. I guess I posting this to somewhat rant and hear other people’s thoughts on anything really.

So I work at a grocery store as a checker and this week another checker that worked here just got let go (too many no call no show) and now I’m dreading the fact that I’ll probably be given more shifts. I’m pretty used to the days I work and don’t want to do more and I can already feel them giving me weekends shifts. I don’t want to give up my weekends especially since I don’t really need money and hate this job. I guess I posting this to somewhat rant and hear other people’s thoughts on anything really.

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