
During an interview, when they ask desired pay, this is my way of flipping that question back around to avoid low-ballers:

This usually works to reveal low-ballers and this is how I flip it back onto the interviewer: Hiring person: “So what is your anticipated pay for this position?” Me: “If selected for this position and made an offer, I will trust that an offer will be made in good faith, taking my skills and experience into consideration. I will know based on an offer whether it will be a good fit for me.” Hiring person: “But we need to list a concrete figure here, so like if you had to put a number to that answer, what would it be?” Me: “Since I don't know the way your organization determines the pay scale, I wouldn't have a concrete number to give you. But I'm sure the range is available internally and I would say an amount within that range that reflects my skills and experience. Did you have any additional…

This usually works to reveal low-ballers and this is how I flip it back onto the interviewer:

Hiring person: “So what is your anticipated pay for this position?”

Me: “If selected for this position and made an offer, I will trust that an offer will be made in good faith, taking my skills and experience into consideration. I will know based on an offer whether it will be a good fit for me.”

Hiring person: “But we need to list a concrete figure here, so like if you had to put a number to that answer, what would it be?”

Me: “Since I don't know the way your organization determines the pay scale, I wouldn't have a concrete number to give you. But I'm sure the range is available internally and I would say an amount within that range that reflects my skills and experience. Did you have any additional questions about my skills or experience that would help clarify that?”

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