
Each day that passes, I feel less bad

I work for a small company offering consulting services to very high end clients. I’ve spent the last year in their sole sales and service role at the Director level, absolutely grinding and being treated like garbage regularly by rich assholes who always get what they want in life. In June I accepted a new role within the company that is meant to be internally facing (managing staff and processes), and I was so, so relieved and happy. It was the end of august by the time the person filling my role started, and I spent 4+ weeks doing both jobs while training her. So it’s been about a week of finally having those duties off my plate, it’s glorious… and my boss has started putting a lot of the worst of it back with me because the new person needs to focus on just sales. She has commission as…

I work for a small company offering consulting services to very high end clients. I’ve spent the last year in their sole sales and service role at the Director level, absolutely grinding and being treated like garbage regularly by rich assholes who always get what they want in life. In June I accepted a new role within the company that is meant to be internally facing (managing staff and processes), and I was so, so relieved and happy.

It was the end of august by the time the person filling my role started, and I spent 4+ weeks doing both jobs while training her. So it’s been about a week of finally having those duties off my plate, it’s glorious… and my boss has started putting a lot of the worst of it back with me because the new person needs to focus on just sales. She has commission as part of her comp. I never did. Same week my boss also gave me a rash of shit for taking a day off. We have unlimited PTO and, while it’s our busiest time of year for our services, it’s not for me in my role and I haven’t taken time off since last year. She spouted to me about “optics.” Everyone else was taking weeklong summer vacations back in July when I was working 14-hour days. No one cared about optics then.

So last week I applied to a role back at a former employer, and I’ve had two interviews since and am scheduled already for a final round in just over a week. I was feeling a bit bad. I’m quite close with one of colleagues (we’ve worked together in the past and she’s a mentor of mine, I came here mor or less expressly to work with her), and if/when I leave, she’ll inherit back a bunch of the things in my new job that I know she hates doing (things which I like just fine – we make a fantastic team in this way).

Today, Saturday, my husband is away on business and I’m juggling three kids and being available for work. I can see I have a nastygram from a client about billing (starts with “are you seriously…”) that my new colleague should be handling and damn I would not be sad to leave this BS. I don’t need to work somewhere where another person can speak to me like that. I just can’t care about anyone else at this point.

I hope this other thing comes through with an acceptable offer, but if it doesn’t, I am hustling with applications.

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