
Eight days in and I already hate it

Long time lurker first time poster. I left very toxic job in February, it was a mentally abusive, low pay, no benefits, “we’re a family” environment. I was finally able to land a full time job in November, I started last week. A little higher pay, great benefits, remote, and growth potential. I absolutely hate it. I traveled to a branch five hours away for “training” last week. There was no training. I sat in an office alone majority of the week unable to do anything. I was sent home with a ton of technology that was not set up and told to figure it out. I was also required to spend over $800 for travel and training expenses. This will be reimbursed, but I have been out of work since February and this was not discussed in the interview. The boss that I report to was not at the…

Long time lurker first time poster. I left very toxic job in February, it was a mentally abusive, low pay, no benefits, “we’re a family” environment. I was finally able to land a full time job in November, I started last week. A little higher pay, great benefits, remote, and growth potential. I absolutely hate it. I traveled to a branch five hours away for “training” last week. There was no training. I sat in an office alone majority of the week unable to do anything. I was sent home with a ton of technology that was not set up and told to figure it out. I was also required to spend over $800 for travel and training expenses. This will be reimbursed, but I have been out of work since February and this was not discussed in the interview. The boss that I report to was not at the training bc he was out of town and the person I did work with told me nothing. They have not even clarified work hours, breaks, or any expectations. It is a complete mess and I hate it more and more everyday. I am not going to quit bc it took so long to find a job, but I am already looking for the next thing. I don’t mind working, I like structure and routine. I can not stand this mess though. Not to mention I told them I had travel plans at Christmas before I even started and they said it won’t be a problem. Now my boss is saying I probably can’t take off bc I have no time saved? It’s not like I am asking for them to pay me for those two days. I just need to be off for my family and if it comes down to it I will pick my family over a job any day.

Edit: I guess I am posting here to ask if anyone else hates their new job? Also, is it wrong to push back about these two days off when they were notified about it before I started?

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