
Email today about pitching in for CEO and president Christmas present

Hi all, My work is incredibly toxic but I've kept my mouth shut for the most part even when our “reward” for hitting our goals was a party at the CEO's million dollar home… Today we got an email today asking us to all pitch in for a gift for both the president and CEO. It was sent to everyone and mentioned that if you don't want to participate to message the sender separately but entire team participation is preferred but if necessary, team leads please talk to your teams about participation. Every year, our bonus is an Amazon gift card and the first 5 years you get $30 gift card. Then after that you get $50…. I don't feel like in this economy that it is appropriate to ask for participation to do this especially when they just got a huge payout for being acquired and none of us…

Hi all,

My work is incredibly toxic but I've kept my mouth shut for the most part even when our “reward” for hitting our goals was a party at the CEO's million dollar home…

Today we got an email today asking us to all pitch in for a gift for both the president and CEO. It was sent to everyone and mentioned that if you don't want to participate to message the sender separately but entire team participation is preferred but if necessary, team leads please talk to your teams about participation.

Every year, our bonus is an Amazon gift card and the first 5 years you get $30 gift card. Then after that you get $50….

I don't feel like in this economy that it is appropriate to ask for participation to do this especially when they just got a huge payout for being acquired and none of us received anything from it. I find it incredibly tacky to ask for this and wildly inappropriate. If I say I don't want to participate I will be singled out as not a team player.

While I understand I am incredibly lucky to have a job right now in this job market I just don't feel like this is okay to ask from employees who are barely making rent each month.

Any advice?

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