
Emailed the Company to Reject the Job Manager Keeps Contacting me

I interviewed for a seasonal retail position recently and the manager was absent mindedly asking me questions while continuing her work. I tell her I'm looking to work as a stocker but keeps pushing me to accept a cashier position instead. She hands me some papers, tells me I'm hired but doesn't mention how much I'll be earning per hour. Says she'll email me about it later. (Nevwr even received that email) I also mentioned that I'm looking for part time but was ignored and she kept pushing full time on me. I already go to school full time (mon-fri 9am-1pm) so I wanted to work Fridays-Sundays for a few hours. I mistakenly fill out a part of the form I wasn't supposed to and she turns around and asks one of her employees to hand me another form. Her employee hands me the forms while muttering under her breath…

I interviewed for a seasonal retail position recently and the manager was absent mindedly asking me questions while continuing her work. I tell her I'm looking to work as a stocker but keeps pushing me to accept a cashier position instead. She hands me some papers, tells me I'm hired but doesn't mention how much I'll be earning per hour. Says she'll email me about it later. (Nevwr even received that email)

I also mentioned that I'm looking for part time but was ignored and she kept pushing full time on me. I already go to school full time (mon-fri 9am-1pm) so I wanted to work Fridays-Sundays for a few hours.

I mistakenly fill out a part of the form I wasn't supposed to and she turns around and asks one of her employees to hand me another form. Her employee hands me the forms while muttering under her breath in Spanish that I must be stupid. She slams the filled form in front of me, switches to English to tell me to shred it. The manager knew I could understand Spanish but she didn't say anything, just looked at me.

Next day I email them to say I won't be moving forward with the hiring process and today the same manager who interviewed me is calling me and emailing me.

I'm thinking of just ignoring them at this point. I don't think I'm in the wrong for feeling disrespected and I don't owe them an explanation.

Worst interview I've ever been to.

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