
Employee appreciation party but I should work more for low wages

My job does an employee appreciation party every year. But seems to refuse to pay us more or give us PTO. And it's annoying how my coworkers love the party but don't see how things could be better. And no I'm not going to the party. Recently we got a $1 raise only cause the federal government forced them to. Before Biden did the executive order the pay was $13 now it's $16.20. But still everyone is struggling to pay their bills and is living with others to survive. I've been constantly complaining about our wages being low but any time I complain it's “You should work more”. Instead of “oh yeah, we should be paid better”. It just seems like everyone is brainwashed to the system and doesn't want anything better than what they have. I mean if the job can throw a party they can pay us more…

My job does an employee appreciation party every year. But seems to refuse to pay us more or give us PTO. And it's annoying how my coworkers love the party but don't see how things could be better. And no I'm not going to the party.
Recently we got a $1 raise only cause the federal government forced them to. Before
Biden did the executive order the pay was $13 now it's $16.20. But still everyone is struggling to pay their bills and is living with others to survive. I've been constantly complaining about our wages being low but any time I complain it's “You should work more”. Instead of “oh yeah, we should be paid better”. It just seems like everyone is brainwashed to the system and doesn't want anything better than what they have. I mean if the job can throw a party they can pay us more and give us PTO.

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