
Employee retreats

Does anyone find value in these things?I'm sure that if I loved my job I would feel differently. Currently at one and hating it. I hate the games, the b.s. conferences (let's have 30 seconds of reflection, let's create vision boards, etc.). I don't want to know or hang out with anyone after work, I keep my work and personal life separate. I don't want to stand in restorative circles or take time to find my “best friend” at work (yes, management just encouraged this). I want to work my 9-10 hours and go home. I tolerate folks at work because it's work. The worst is that we were told not to check emails/and turn off our work cells. Which now means I'm losing an entire day's worth of work. I'm done ranting and planning on ducking out in the next hour.

Does anyone find value in these things?I'm sure that if I loved my job I would feel differently. Currently at one and hating it. I hate the games, the b.s. conferences (let's have 30 seconds of reflection, let's create vision boards, etc.). I don't want to know or hang out with anyone after work, I keep my work and personal life separate. I don't want to stand in restorative circles or take time to find my “best friend” at work (yes, management just encouraged this). I want to work my 9-10 hours and go home. I tolerate folks at work because it's work.

The worst is that we were told not to check emails/and turn off our work cells. Which now means I'm losing an entire day's worth of work.
I'm done ranting and planning on ducking out in the next hour.

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