
Employees upped to my rate as a manager

I am a manager of basically a customer service operation. I have been paid $4 more than regular staff for the past 8 months. Recently, my boss upped all of our salaries, however, upped the regular employees to the same rate I was being paid to manage everything. Am I wrong to think it is unfair that they are now being paid what I was paid as a manager yet hold none of the same responsibilities I had? I questioned him about it letting him know I am upset and his response was that they have to take into effect inflation and we cannot go back in time and compare roles. He also decided to mention that he does not want anyone discussing salaries which I was quick to mention it is completely legal to discuss wages. Interested to hear other thoughts.

I am a manager of basically a customer service operation. I have been paid $4 more than regular staff for the past 8 months. Recently, my boss upped all of our salaries, however, upped the regular employees to the same rate I was being paid to manage everything. Am I wrong to think it is unfair that they are now being paid what I was paid as a manager yet hold none of the same responsibilities I had? I questioned him about it letting him know I am upset and his response was that they have to take into effect inflation and we cannot go back in time and compare roles. He also decided to mention that he does not want anyone discussing salaries which I was quick to mention it is completely legal to discuss wages. Interested to hear other thoughts.

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