
Employer being disrespectful

Not much to it, just that i was laid off recently and not two days later they want to rehire me for $2 less than what i was making prior (also for a more hazerdous position where i would working with many chemicals) with their reasoning being “Well its better than unemployment” i laughed them off and told em to pound sand but i was just so suprised they would so openly make such a disrespecful offer. P.S i was able to find a new job the same day i was laid off (luckily) so dont worry

Not much to it, just that i was laid off recently and not two days later they want to rehire me for $2 less than what i was making prior (also for a more hazerdous position where i would working with many chemicals) with their reasoning being “Well its better than unemployment” i laughed them off and told em to pound sand but i was just so suprised they would so openly make such a disrespecful offer.

P.S i was able to find a new job the same day i was laid off (luckily) so dont worry

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