
Employer changed call off policy

My gm recently (beginning of October) changed the call off policy to now require us to have a medical excuse/doctor’s note for EVERY SINGLE call off. I’m just wondering if i should bother reporting this or if it’s against some sort of law or if something in general should be done about it, as I feel it’s extremely unfair and not right? The policy used to be a doctor’s note after 3 days in a row. Just wondering everyone’s thoughts.

My gm recently (beginning of October) changed the call off policy to now require us to have a medical excuse/doctor’s note for EVERY SINGLE call off. I’m just wondering if i should bother reporting this or if it’s against some sort of law or if something in general should be done about it, as I feel it’s extremely unfair and not right? The policy used to be a doctor’s note after 3 days in a row. Just wondering everyone’s thoughts.

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