
Employer cut my hours, and got upset I picked up more shifts at my second job.

I(21F) work at a deli shop. I do prep work there, I was honest with them about how I have a second job when I started. They were completely understanding, and scheduled me accordingly to my second job. I’ve been there for nearly four months now, and I usually get on average, about 35-37 hours there. Roughly 16 hours at my second job, so it was pretty decent at first. Until a couple of weeks ago, my boss cut my hours down to 20 a week. Which isn’t enough for me to live off of, and my second job doesn’t have any full time availability but it pays a lot more. I ended up talking to my FT boss about my hours, and he said his boss was cracking down on him about hours. I completely understand that, it’s food, so it’s not like I’m always guaranteed a solid 40,…

I(21F) work at a deli shop. I do prep work there, I was honest with them about how I have a second job when I started. They were completely understanding, and scheduled me accordingly to my second job.

I’ve been there for nearly four months now, and I usually get on average, about 35-37 hours there. Roughly 16 hours at my second job, so it was pretty decent at first. Until a couple of weeks ago, my boss cut my hours down to 20 a week. Which isn’t enough for me to live off of, and my second job doesn’t have any full time availability but it pays a lot more.

I ended up talking to my FT boss about my hours, and he said his boss was cracking down on him about hours. I completely understand that, it’s food, so it’s not like I’m always guaranteed a solid 40, but more than part time. So I asked my PT boss about picking up more shifts throughout the weekdays, and luckily she had the hours to do so.

I informed my boss I wouldn’t be able to work certain shifts for the time being, and he was very upset to say the least. Which is a huge turnaround from how he reacted previously when he knew I planned on working FT at my second job eventually. He told me he understood, until he didn’t, apparently.

He said while he didn’t have a solid time frame on when hours would be back to normal, he’s upset I didn’t inform him of it sooner. As if he didn’t inform me he would be taking over 17 hours from me. Or give me a heads up, so then I can adjust my schedule.

I can’t afford to leave my FT job, since I don’t make enough at my PT job to live. Luckily I have an interview to be a key holder for much better pay, and more solid hours. It definitely just sucks since I was super transparent with my boss about my next steps when I was interviewed.

It’s just another sign that these jobs expect loyalty and will give none

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