
Employer expects us to arrive hours before scheduled time to catch a shuttle to the work building because the shuttle only makes rounds every 45min and has limited space

I am a contractor. Employer expects me to arrive to shift on time and knows that by the scheduled time of shift, there is 0 parking available on site. Another parking site is available for parking that has a bus/shuttle that only comes around every 45min, so in order to make it to shift on time, I have to arrive two hours before my shift time in order to make sure I have a seat on this single bus (there are others that are also in the same boat) after parking off site, all unpaid. What do I do? The company expects me to sacrifice my personal time in order to give them their scheduled company time, and I only have to sacrifice my time because they fail to have enough parking on site or enough shuttles from the off-site parking lot to make rounds more often than 45 minutes…

I am a contractor. Employer expects me to arrive to shift on time and knows that by the scheduled time of shift, there is 0 parking available on site. Another parking site is available for parking that has a bus/shuttle that only comes around every 45min, so in order to make it to shift on time, I have to arrive two hours before my shift time in order to make sure I have a seat on this single bus (there are others that are also in the same boat) after parking off site, all unpaid. What do I do? The company expects me to sacrifice my personal time in order to give them their scheduled company time, and I only have to sacrifice my time because they fail to have enough parking on site or enough shuttles from the off-site parking lot to make rounds more often than 45 minutes at a time.

It is a major airline company if anyone is wondering.

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