
Employer ghosted me when I couldn’t do an interview the same day they asked

I applied to a small computer shop job like 2 months ago. Randomly they emailed me last Friday asking if I was still interested. I replied and said yes and asked about details of the job. This was like 1PM Friday. They did not respond. Monday rolls around and I wake up to an email from them asking if I can do a phone call interview “today or tonight”. I'm the kind of person that needs to schedule something like this in advance and mentally prepare myself for it. I also find it highly unprofessional for a company to not schedule these in advance and just expect you to do it as soon as they ask. So I told them I was busy today and tomorrow but I could do Wednesday around 3:30 if that works. No reply. Its now 10 minutes after 3:30 and no phone call from them.…

I applied to a small computer shop job like 2 months ago. Randomly they emailed me last Friday asking if I was still interested. I replied and said yes and asked about details of the job. This was like 1PM Friday. They did not respond.

Monday rolls around and I wake up to an email from them asking if I can do a phone call interview “today or tonight”. I'm the kind of person that needs to schedule something like this in advance and mentally prepare myself for it. I also find it highly unprofessional for a company to not schedule these in advance and just expect you to do it as soon as they ask. So I told them I was busy today and tomorrow but I could do Wednesday around 3:30 if that works.

No reply. Its now 10 minutes after 3:30 and no phone call from them. Monday was the day after Easter, this is a highly religious area I live (I'm not) and they just expected me to drop everything and be available for them the same day they asked then ghosted me when I couldn't. What if I was travelling for the Holiday? So damn unprofessional. And yet they would be holding it against me if I was unprofessional.

Sometimes I just feel like I don't fit in the so called 'professional' world. Its a one way street. I am required to be professional as fuck but employers can be as disrespectful as they want. I just don't see how someone like me is supposed to work in a society like this.

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